Keep track of your products on

Get proactive alerts when ranking changes occur. View historical data on products and rankings. Improve your ranking by optimizing product info.

By using Marketplace Insights you stay up to date with your products on

Become a more Succesful Seller at

Find the data you need faster than ever. Use our collection of datasets, find your products and use the analytics to become succesful.

Find more about Our Tools    >

Tracking is our profession

With Marketplace Insights Premium tracking tools, from products to keywords, everything is at your disposal to use. Track 1000 products with a click of a button and find everything you need to work efficiently on

Invest yourself in Data

Marketplace Insights will show data and helps you to use the system easily. You will learn about the system, what the trends are and much more. Become invested in data and start now!


Currently we're working on the final details of our tools.

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